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"You, apple, I want to celebrate ..."

[Ode to the Apple, Pablo Neruda]





Anti-insect nets.

Higher quality and lower environmental impact


Thanks to the anti-insect nets, we do not have to resort to the abundant use of pesticides, thus protecting useful insects and not releasing chemicals into the environment.


Yes fruit!
No Coâ‚‚!

Thanks to an ecosystem based approach  on the collaboration between plants and insects we can reduce the treatments! Less greenhouse gases and less consumption!


Sweet fruit! 
Very sweet!

Thanks to the characteristics of the soil on which our fruit grows, its Brix degree is among the highest on the market! 
Zero added sugars on industrial products obtained from our fruit.


Collaborations & Progress, Together.

We are pleased to collaborate for the development of the production chain with numerous private and state companies. 
Varietal renewal, treatments and integrated pest management.

The fruits of our work,  from us for you.

We have something for everyone ...

We produce for fresh consumption or for industrial production .

In addition to those reported, which are the majority share of the product, we also produce Pere S. Maria , Morettini , Carmen and Abate - we also produce Ozarkgold and Fuji apples.

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Granny Smith

Sharp and fresh, the typical character of those who stand out  always

Golden Delicious

Very sweet, loved by everyone, a candy  from the tree

Emperor Dallago

Juicy and enveloping, the classic red apple


Thick and tasty skin, crunchy and juicy pulp

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Crunchy, tasty, resistant to scab by selection. The best for BIO

Pear  Max Red Bartlett (Williams Red)

Really juicy pear, great for juice extraction or to cool off with its sweetness

Kaiser pear

With the typical "monk's tunic" color, it has a fine pulp rich in aromas

Golden Delicious Rust

Relative of the Golden Delicious with characteristic rust spots. Very sweet and crunchy


 William Red Pear

Soft, white, dark pulp with a muscat flavor

Pear Morettini

Typical of Emilia, aromatic flavor and reddish skin

Pear Conference

A rustic and tasty pear, resistant and with an ivory pulp

Peaches, different  cultivar.

Different qualities of peaches, grown in our orchards

Partner for development and a better future


We are ALWAYS available and in collaboration for PROGRESS 

Public and private entities that collaborate, or have collaborated, with the Lungadige Cooperative to experiment with a type of sustainable but no less profitable agriculture.


University of Padua

We are and have been partners of this University for research in the field regarding preventive methods for bedbugs, a scourge of crops.


Catholic University of the Sacred Heart - Parma and Piacenza 

We have  the pleasure of collaborating with this University for the research of toxins on and in fruit.

Our Certificates

For those who "don't believe it" ...


Naturland BIO

High level organic cultivation certificate.
Our fruit is BIO!


European certificate of organic cultivation.


Verified quality in the Veneto region

Quality certificate awarded to us by the Region

The Administration, entrepreneurs who, flanked by dozens of other partners, bring the best of fruit to your table.

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Michele Faccioli

- Director -

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Michele Giusti

- Director -

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Giancarlo Bissolo

- Director -

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Sabrina Chinaglia

- Vice president -


Andrea Sordo
- Responsabile Commerciale


Luciano Dacome

- President -

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Gilberto Turrini

- Vice president -

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Vittore DallaBenetta

- Director -

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Aleardo Gugole

- Director -

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Nicolò Conti

- Director -

Research and Development - Next Gen Cooperative

We are working on it with extreme dedication


Hydroponics, above ground cultivation

One of the next objectives will be to launch a type of cultivation for strawberries and small fruits in an innovative, soilless way. Fewer parasites, fewer pesticides, less water, more product of significantly higher quality.

Bees! Hives in the orchard for incredible benefits

One of the next objectives will be to involve dedicated figures, beekeepers, to bring hives to the orchard. In this way we will have greater pollination, crop stability, integrated pest management and honey!


Research resistant varieties - More productive

As a Cooperative, supported by solid and competent  Partners, we are always looking for new varieties to experiment and implement in our orchards. We NEVER stand still in research and development. All this for tastier and less impactful fruit


Do you have questions? Do you have any proposals?

Do you want to collaborate?

Here we are!

Your form has been sent!

Come visit!

We are waiting for you to explain to you in person what we are and what we do.


Via GG Bronziero, 349, 45021 Badia Polesine RO, Italy

(+39) 0425 594826

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Via GG Bronziero, 349, 45021 Badia Polesine RO, Italy

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© 2022 by Lungadige Veneto Coop .. Created by Caliptra.

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